Build Support

RF GT40 want your RF GT40 to be as professionally built as possible. That is why we have made our modules as accurate and practical as possible. However, there are times when you may need a little guidance. To that end, we are always on hand to help you make your GT40 build as efficient and enjoyable as possible.

As far as the build experience goes, there is a lot of support available for vehicle builders who are concerned about what is involved. We have an extensive support system that includes:
  • Comprehensive build manual populated with an extensive display of illustrations and instructions. It provides sequential instructions that describe the build program in great detail.
  • RF GT40 personally assisting you with any technical issues during the build.
  • Online support is available at: [email protected].

  • RF GT40 recognises that there may be an area of the build that you’re uncomfortable with, dependant on your location we may be able to put you in touch with one of our preferred service providers to help you (additional costs will be incurred).
Please never be afraid to ask questions, contact us for anything* at all as we are here to help and want to make this build and owner experience exceptional for you.

(* particularly by email as it allows us to respond with explanatory pics)

The Body