Our Product
The whole purpose of a tribute is to recreate, to the finest possible degree, the shape, visceral feel and specification of the original vehicle.
All too often, the designers get the first part right but are forced to compromise on the details of the specifications for the sake of convenience and availability.
RF GT40 tributes do not fall into this category. RF GT40 is proud to offer an extremely high degree of authenticity with all aspects of our GT40 tributes, but on a more technically modern platform.
The RF tribute of the Ford GT40 Mk I and Mk 1b certainly look convincing. However, it’s not until you get under the skin that you begin to appreciate how painstakingly engineered these GT40 tributes are.
Most enthusiasts want to own an accurate, but functional, representation of the GT40 at an affordable price. An RF GT40 offers just that.